Monday, September 20, 2010

Splash 'n' Dash

So, who would think... after strolling down to the dock yesterday morning and putting my purse in The Shack (aka "gatehouse" as the elderly of Douglaston like to refer to it in effort to maintain dignity) to keep my items dry while I watched the 5th Annual "Splash-n-Dash" my purse gets soaked.

How you ask? With the seemingly securley "closed" bottle of poland spring I threw in there.

The following gets ruined:

*my blackberry

* bd's camera

* new book (Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert)

* date book (yes, I still use a date book even though I have a blackberry)

* freshly opened pack of gum (promptly chucked in bin)

* receipts

*wallet &/or contents of wallet including but not limited to:

money. prescriptions. stamps. LIRR pass. metro card. pictures of family members. all un-laminated membership cards ie: NYRR & similar. etc.

Phone goes blank then decides track ball is on strike. Panic sets in. Decide to remain calm and watch neighbourhood nutters swim to Great Neck and back while taking photo's to email to the club for embarrassment in monthly newsletter. Last swimmer emerges. Phone vibrates but cannot answer call. Terror.

Terror as if someone abducted my child* (*note do not have child, just thought is bad enough) Sudden feeling of loss/heartache. Resolve to drive to Verizon store..

Helpful employee notifies me that blackberry is in fact "broken". Instead of going through insurance and being sent a phone that is 2 years old and probably refurbished, I decide to bite the bullet and buy Droid 2.

Important Service Announcement: Droid dose not come with instruction manual.. you must figure out everything on own esp. if you have the same helpful vzw employee as I did.

But totally awesome. I urge bberry users to get DROID!

Now.. if I could only figure out apps? And if i could find one that told me to stop being a fat ass?

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